

松下政経塾・塾生研究レポート 〜五島市における洋上風力発電プロジェクトに伴う経済効果〜 The Matsushita Institute Discussion Paper: Economic Impact of Offshore Wind Farm Project in Goto City

(キーワード)五島市・洋上風車・経済効果・建設需要・保守需要・観光需要(Keywords)Goto city, Offshore Wind Turbine, Economic impact, Construction demand, Maintenance demand, Visitors’ demand





 これまで経済学の専門家以外が市町村レベルの経済効果を分析することは容易ではなかった。なぜなら、わが国では一般的に都道府県レベルで産業連関表が作成され、市町村レベルは一部に留まっていたからである。しかし、2015年に地域経済循環分析モデルがRESAS(Regional Economy and Society Analyzing System:リーサス)上に公開され、市町村レベルの産業連関表の提供も開始された。これにより、都道府県レベルの産業連関表から人口按分等によって市町村レベルの産業連関表を作成するプロセスが不要となり、比較的誰でも分析できるようになった。すなわち、個別プロジェクトに対し基礎自治体が費用便益分析を行い、そこへの投資可能額算出などにも活用できるようになった。



This report discusses the economic impact of the floating offshore wind farm project being conducted near Goto Islands, Nagasaki prefecture. The figure is estimated by “Regional Economic Circulation Analysis Model (RECAM)” provided by Value Management Institute, Inc., the Cabinet Secretariat and Ministry of the Environment.

In Goto City, a floating offshore wind turbine demonstration project was implemented by Ministry of the Environment from fiscal year 2010 to 2015. In this project, 2 MW-class floating offshore wind turbine was manufactured and verification tests were conducted off the shores of Goto Islands. The turbine was then relocated to 5 km offshore Sakiyama area, and its commercial operation was started in April 2016. Currently, the introduction of 20MW-class offshore wind farm is studied. If companies located in Goto City are involved with the manufacture of a wind turbine in the future, positive effect on local economy will be very likely. The author moved to Goto City in April 2016 and has studied this offshore wind farm project as a coordinator of “Nagasaki Marine Industry Cluster Promotion Association” and “Goto City Municipal Renewable Energy Industry Development Study Association.” My concern was how much the wind farm project would have an impact on local economy.

It has not been easy for non-experts in economics to estimate economic effects at municipal level. This is because in Japan, input-output tables are generally created at prefecture level, and there were only a few municipality cases in the past. However, in 2015, RECAM was released and municipal-level input-output tables became available, which made municipal-level analysis easier. Even a small municipality can conduct cost-benefit analysis on an individual project and calculate investable amount for it.

In this report, economic impact of the offshore wind farm project was estimated using Goto City’s input-output table in 2010. Three demands were set as final demand; construction demand, demand for operation and maintenance, and visitors’ demand. Then each induces production value and job creation effects were derived. Results show that the economic impact of construction demand is larger than the other two, but that the effects are influenced largely by the final demand amount, the operation situation, and the assumed area of analysis. Therefore an evaluation based on analysis of an actual project is necessary for more accurate economic impact of construction demand. According to the results, maintenance-related job creation effect in operation and maintenance demand is 0.1 to 0.2 person per GWh a year, which is similar to the figure found in past research. Regarding visitors’ demand, while economic impact is limited, it has a high ripple effect, therefore it seems reasonable to introduce long-term measures including a wide variety of offshore wind farm visiting tour, aiming to increase the number of visitors. I hope that the findings in this report, particularly about the economic ripple effect, would lead to Goto City’s implementation of positive economic measures in the future, and that this discussion would be of help in a construction of offshore wind farm.

Download Report: The Matsushita Institute Discussion Paper: Economic Impact of Offshore Wind Farm Project in Goto City (PDF 1.7MB)




Seiichiro Kimura



木村 誠一郎


(一社)離島エネルギー研究所 代表理事/(公財)自然エネルギー財団 上級研究員/九州大学 招聘准教授



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