(Keywords)Cross-border interconnected power system, Renewable energy, PV, Wind Turbine, Electricity market, Korea
This report discusses the significance of cross-border interconnection in the power supply system in Japan. Study objective is to suggest whether it should be promoted or not, from the investigation of preceding projects and previous studies. After the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, Japanese power supply system was forced to change. Examples include the deregulation of electricity market and expansion of renewable energy. The feasibility of cross-border interconnected electricity system has been discussed, however, the point of discussions was not clear enough.
Energy is essential for our lives, and stable supply of energy is always required. Japanese stable power supply system, which had supported Japan’s economic growth, cannot respond to changes of social needs at this present. The use of renewable energy including PV and wind power generation involves fluctuation due to time and seasonal effects. Its expansion in recent years suggests a new era of turning “unstable” energy sources into “stable” power supply through market system. Therefore, today, efforts in realizing stable power supply are more important than ever. When cross-border electricity interconnection is discussed, the important factor is whether such system is effective enough for stable supply.
This study investigated the objectives and results of past models of cross-border power interconnection systems in order to clarify its significance. The result shows that the major objective of past efforts in interconnected electricity system was economic benefit for system providers. Other benefits such as stable power supply and high reliability owing to grid installation and subsequent surplus electricity sharing, as well as market maturity and development of political relationship between related countries, are incidental after the economic benefit is confirmed. In other words, providers’ economic benefit has to be secured, followed by other additional objectives, when building a system that connects more than two countries whose perspectives on energy security related to interconnected power system are different.
In addition, this study analyzed future cross-border power interconnections between Japan and Korea, Japan and Russia. It is found that the partnership with Korea will benefit grid providers and is more likely to contribute to stable power supply for both Japan and Korea. The results of this study will give some new perspectives on the future discussions of Japan’s electricity power system in cooperation with Korea.
Seiichiro Kimura
(一社)離島エネルギー研究所 代表理事/(公財)自然エネルギー財団 上級研究員/九州大学 招聘准教授