MIGM Graduates

Career Paths

300 persons

Politics 120persons

  • Members of the Diet
    35 persons
    • House of Representatives members
      26 persons
    • House of Councillors members
      9 persons
  • Members of local assemblies
    26 persons
    • Prefectual assembly members
      10 persons
    • City,town or village assembly members
      16 persons
  • Heads of local governments
    12 persons
    • Governors
      3 persons
    • Mayors
      7 persons
    • Town Mayors
      2 persons
  • Policy staff
    8 persons
  • Political activity, etc.
    39 persons
  • Experience in national political office
    • Prime minister
      1 persons
    • Cabinet minister
      14 persons
    • Deputy minister
      26 persons
  • Local (chief executive) experience
    • Prefectural governor
      3 persons
    • Mayor
      18 persons
    • Special ward mayor
      1 persons
    • Town mayor
      2 persons

Business 121persons

  • Corporate entrepreneurs,executives,employeers
    87 persons
  • Social entrepreneurs,NGO/NPO staff members
    16 persons
  • Professionals(lawyers,etc)
    7 persons
  • Association employees(foundations,unions,etc)
    11 persons

Reseach and Education 38persons

  • Researchers(think-tanks,universities,etc)
    9 persons
  • Educators(teachers,lecturers,faculty members,etc)
    24 persons
  • Professionals(doctors, etc.)
    5 persons

Media 6 persons

Arts persons


Aspiring to be leaders in their professions, whether as politicians, businesspeople, social entrepreneurs, or otherwise, more than 260 MIGM graduates have taken Konosuke Matsushita’s ideals and the experiences acquired at MIGM out on the front lines of their chosen fields. Here we introduce seven of those graduates.